Friday, February 7, 2014

Poetry to Sustain Us

"Hold On" winter on Lake Michigan by Joel Ellis 

Oh this long, loooong , winter! Even the seed catalogs feel like a fantasy. The wonder is if Spring will actually come. In the middle of a mournful groan over yet another blowing pile of snow in temperatures nudging 0, we received an e-mail from dear friends Ron and Sue, dairy farmers in this cold northland. I’d like to share their gift with you –

Feeling crusted
Check books busted
Don't like the trends
A way to get through
Thoughts of old friends                                           

Winter's too long 
Not so strong
don't belong
Need a good song
Before it all ends
Thoughts of old friends

Deal with the mess
Cope with the stress
Need to confess
Life would be less
Thoughts of old friends

Altogether now: Think Spring!!!!
Thanks you two, our thoughts of old friends do sustain us every day.
Thanks to everyone for stopping by, please take a look at tales of snow (and summer) in our memoir, A Homestead Decade, How Crunchy Granola Changed My Life, Kindle e-books, cheap $2.99.


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