Saturday, May 11, 2013


Spring forward or upward or in a little flip powered by a rear twist. Spring like a baby lamb or a new little goat, give it all you’ve got! It’s spring!!

Oh, the joy of it, Nature’s grand and colorful orgy. The parade of colors from purple crocus to yellow daffodils to red tulips to profuse white and pink blossoms kissing our faces as they are released on an early evening breeze.

Get the earth ready for seeds, lots of seeds, it’s garden time! Little pots on the table at the South window bear witness to the miracle with tiny tender greens bursting out of their tough seed shells, growing taller right before our eyes warning the time is almost here to be planted. Check the weather reports, the perfect warm day free of frost (we hope) is almost here. Now! Go for it! Join the party! It’s Spring!

Hope you enjoy this wonderful time.
Glad you stopped by and as always if you haven't already, please check the book on Amazon: A Homestead Decade, How Crunchy Granola Changed My Life.

Guess what this is !