Monday, July 28, 2014

Zombies?! Really?

       Raising our children during the days of the Crunchy Granola book we, like all parents, worked hard to prepare them to be thoughtful about their directions, kind to others, and hopefully companion their lives with humor and wisdom.  
        Life with these babes brought us immense joy.
       We tried to teach the kids many of the self-sufficiency things we ourselves were learning. Animals were a big part of that and if you have read our memoir of that time, A Homestead Decade, How Crunchy GranolaChanged My Life, you would see how the circle of this life also dealt with death.
Where there is a safe nest of love and affirmation children will endure their parents’ flaws. Our children grew up as strong, intelligent and healthy as any other . . . . I think.
       The youngest of our three wonders, Jessie, a graduate in English Literature from Adrian College, and award-winning writer, has just written and published an e-book, Zombie Shorts. What?! Not a manual on solar energy, not a sociological research project, but a book of short stories about ….. zombies?!
Artwork by Dennis Preston

       I have to admit some of the stories are intriguing, mostly funny, using bits and pieces of Jessie’s life and education. My favorite stories are “Roxy Zombie”, a fast food worker who contemplates some difficult issues, for a zombie. In “That ol’ Boy” a character named Bunny, (because he once made a fantastic leap on a barroom bet) lived as a hoarder collecting vast amounts of unusual things including a valuable body part of an historic Lord in England during the Black Death, and the Lord, now a ghastly looking revenant, wanted the body part back. Then there is Merula Must Die, a well-told horror story, set in Ancient Rome,
There are also little pieces in this book like a letter and resume of a Zombie hunter and plenty of one-liners: “Zombies prefer the golfer to the game,” and “Zombies support gun control.”
       I hope the Zombie Shorts book goes well for Jessie and becomes a launching for future books, maybe not just about zombies.

Thanks always for stopping by and sharing this blog with your friends. I hope you get a chance to read, A Homestead Decade, How Crunchy Granola Changed My Life and I really hope you get a chance to enjoy Zombie Shorts by Jessie Pilly both on
With summer delights, 